One Offered To Pay Me For S3x

One Offered To Pay Me For S3x

Yetunde, who shared her story via X on Tuesday, March 4, said one asked for s3x chat two hours after meeting him.

A Nigerian lady, Yetunde has narrated her encounters with Nigerian men living in the UK.

Yetunde, who shared her story via X on Tuesday, March 4, said one offered to pay her for s3x while another asked for s3x chat two hours after meeting him.

“I’ve gone through this with every single Nigerian man living in the UK that I’ve entertained (even before moving here). I don’t know what’s wrong with them but they move together in degeneracy,” she wrote.

“Just December, one was offering to pay me for s3x. I said no and he said I should introduce him to any of my friends that’d be interested. Every single one and I’m not even joking. They don’t even bother to pretend to know you or act like they like you. They text for 2 hours and they’re trying to s3x chat the next As if v@ginas don’t purr.”





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