A notorious gang leader, Abubakar Idris (AKA Nishi) alongside his accomplices, Buhari Saidu and Musa Ahmadu Suleiman, has been arrested by the FCT police command for the heinous killing of one Ibrahim Danfulani.
A statement released by the spokesperson of the command, SP Josephine Adeh, said the incident, which took place on the 27th of November, 2024, was a direct result of Nishi’s seething frustration over Ibrahim’s intentions to marry a woman he, Nishi, had heavily invested in financially.
Adeh said the investigation revealed that the trio, armed with knives, brutally attacked Ibrahim Danfulani, resulting in his untimely death.
Adeh added that the gang also stole 18 cows belonging to the victim as compensation for Nishi’s perceived losses.
”In a dramatic turn of events, Nishi, who had fled the scene of the crime, was trailed and arrested in Nasarawa State. He was caught while planning on recruiting new gang members to execute his sinister plot to return and kill the woman. The swift and coordinated efforts of the FCT Police Command, in collaboration with residents of the Agaita community in Karu, led to the successful arrest of all suspects, who are now in police custody and will face prosecution to ensure justice is served.’‘ Adeh said.
She added that the FCT Police Command remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting lives and property and encourages residents to report any suspicious activities or criminal elements to the nearest police station or through the following emergency lines: 08061581938, 08032003913, 08028940883, CRU: 08107314192, PCB: 09022222352.